Program Goals
- To provide quality, caring, and flexible learning centers to families
- To ensure open communication between staff, parents, and children.
- To provide professional staff who promote self-esteem, growth, independence, and individuality in every child, and encourage creativity while maintaining a loving and safe environment.
Our Goals for Each Child:
- To Foster a Positive Identity Including Understanding Themselves, Their Community and Their World
- To Foster a Sense of Social & Emotional Well-Being
- To Encourage Language and Literacy
- To Encourage Physical Development & Skills
- To Encourage Creative Expression and Appreciation For the Arts
- To Encourage Children to Think, Reason, Question, & Experiment
Our Goal to Enrich at My Little Hearts
As part of our mission, our second priority in environment is enrichment. We enrich the environment to promote learning through the guidance of our curriculum and our many extra programs. More specifically, we enrich the environment by organizing our classrooms into learning centers. Furthermore, we enrich each center each week by adding projects, items, and other learning opportunities that are of interest. Finally, we enrich through our extra programs that we provide. We know that a safe and friendly environment is crucial for learning and development.
Our Classroom Organization
At My Little Hearts the classrooms are organized into the following learning centers: dramatic play, art, library, block building, writing, and manipulatives. The learning centers provide opportunities for learning in many different ways and with many different styles. The toys, furniture, and supplies in each classroom are also organized with pictures and word labels to provide a print rich environment to promote literacy.
Our Nurturing Schedules
At My Little Hearts, we know that the teachers need to provide a delicate balance between control and freedom to promote the desired sense of security. That’s why at My Little Hearts we aim to reach that perfect balance of structure and free choice. The general schedule that the teacher follows provides the structure and guidance that children need, while the flexibility of the schedule allows for child led ideas and initiatives. Each classroom at My Little Hearts has a flexible schedule that is catered to the developmental needs of the children in that room.